Working with metaphors in hypnotic change-work has proven to be transformational to my clients. And to me as well!
Subconsciously held metaphors are profoundly important to us as functioning human beings. They aren't a side topic of life, they are our lives in terms of our experience, interpretation, and expression of ourselves in our world moment-by-moment our entire lives.
When I talk about metaphors I'm referring to collections of symbols held at a subconscious level that relate to one another. In turn, these metaphors relate to other groupings of metaphors. These related groupings of metaphors then collectively create an internal landscape of metaphors that are the internal conceptual 'map', or 'model', of the world by which we live out our lives.
Each person has their own unique map that they subconsciously use to navigate their way through the world they live in. That map is unseen and most aren't aware of its existence. But it is the entire basis of all our perceptions and the resulting actions that follow. Change something at the level of symbol or metaphor and their is a corresponding That's why working with metaphors in hypnosis is so profoundly effective!
I put together a 1 sheet (two sided) 'cheat sheet' for my staff and students to highlight key points and act as a starting point or reference point for working with a client's symbols through working with metaphors. As a listener of Jason Linett's Work Smart Hypnosis Podcast, I'd love to send a copy of it to you as well!
Here's what you'll find (in cheat sheet style) on it, and why I know you'll love it: